6/1 - Club resident artist, Darla, created our sign.6/1 - Sherrie and Carol (front row), Janet and Tim (back row)6/1 - Ready to go in the freezer donated by Jerry R.6/1 - Pat, Janet, Sherrie and Carol6/1 - "Cookies by Debbie"6/1 - "Cookies by Debbie"6/1 - The Tuscola Kiwanis Club gave away free Popsicles during the Tuscola Library's Movie Night6/1 - The Tuscola Kiwanis Club gave away free Popsicles during the Tuscola Library's Movie Night6/1 - The Tuscola Kiwanis Club gave away free Popsicles during the Tuscola Library's Movie Night
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6/1 - "Cookies by Debbie"