10/22 -10/22 - Kim Walker talked to the club about bees, bee keeping and honey production.10/22 - Kim Walker talked to the club about bees, bee keeping and honey production.10/22 - Kim Walker talked to the club about bees, bee keeping and honey production.10/22 - Kim Walker talked to the club about bees, bee keeping and honey production.10/15 - Jennifer putting up our menu.10/15 - Happy Birthday Jack!10/15 - Kim leading us in Ghost of John10/15 - New member Sarah Evans and Moses10/15 - Cory Kleiss, from Rotary, talked about the upcoming food drive.10/15 - Jean Leonard was recognized for one year of perfect attendance10/15 - Kim Higgins was recognized for nine years of perfect attendance10/15 - Jerry Leonard was recognized for ten years of perfect attendance10/15 - Candy Hudson was recognized for eleven years of perfect attendance10/15 - Kate Watson was recognized for three years of perfect attendance10/15 - Wayne Ward was recognized for thiry-two years of perfect attendance10/15 - Immediate Past President Jan Chappell honoring Wayne Ward as the Kiwanian of the Year for 2017-18.10/15 - Sara Evans is inducted as new member (L-R:  President Pete Buckley, Sarah, Sponsor Dave Morgan and Past Lt. Governor Janet Butler)
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10/15 - Immediate Past President Jan Chappell honoring Wayne Ward as the Kiwanian of the Year for 2017-18.