1/28 - Happy Birlthday Dorris!1/28 - Happy Birthday Kate!1/28 - Jerry introducing his guest speaker Kevin Lighty, Chief Meteorologist at WCIA-TV.1/28 - Kevin Lighty talked about weather forecasting and gave members a peak behind the scenes of the tv studio.1/28 - Kevin Lighty talked about weather forecasting and gave members a peak behind the scenes of the tv studio.1/21 - Tim and Sherrie's granddaughter Clair.1/21 - President Pete, Past Lt. Gov. Pat, new member Ashley Wishard and Janet as Ashley is inducted into the club as a new member.1/21 - Janet giving Ashley her K Pin.1/21 - Jean Leonard's guest speaker Kevin McSherry educated members about coffee.1/21 - Jean Leonard's guest speaker Kevin McSherry educated members about coffee.1/21 - Jean Leonard's guest speaker Kevin McSherry educated members about coffee.1/21 - Jean Leonard's guest speaker Kevin McSherry educated members about coffee.1/14 - The Flesor's snow-server.1/14 - The Flesor's snow-server.1/14 - Happy Birthday Wilma!1/14 - Val Morgan introducing her grandson, Dillon Hoel1/14 - Dillon Hoel, guest of Dave and Val Morgan.1/14 - Tim introducing his guest speaker, Mark Burris of AirMedCare Network.
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1/28 - Happy Birlthday Dorris!