7/15 - Alan Shoemaker presented a program on mining wiith a focus on rock mining.7/8 - Claire Lenoard, granddaugher of Tim and Sherrie Hoel7/8 - Kate Watson introducing her guest speaker, Molly Fearneyhough, the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator at the Douglas County Health Department.7/8 - Molly Fearneyhough talked about how CPR has changed from what many had originally been taught.7/8 - Molly Fearneyhough talked about how CPR has changed from what many had originally been taught.7/1 - Pat Sturges introducing her great-granddaughter, Bella7/1 - Bella7/1 - Marci introducing her guest speaker, James Aikman7/1 - James Aikman presented a program about the Aikman Wildlife Adventure facility.7/1 - James Aikman presented a program about the Aikman Wildlife Adventure facility.7/1 - James Aikman presented a program about the Aikman Wildlife Adventure facility.
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7/15 - Alan Shoemaker presented a program on mining wiith a focus on rock mining.